Need to restock on baby food? Look no further! We spotted Gerber Baby Food 2-pack tubs for only $0.88 each, but get it for only $0.71 after savings.
As a deal idea, buy six 2-packs and use one $1/6 Gerber® Purée 2-Pack Tubs printable coupon. Pay $4.28 for all six, making it $0.71 per 2-pack. Sweet!
How the deal works:
Buy six Gerber Baby Food Tubs 2.5oz 2pk $0.88 each ($5.28 total)
-use $1/6 Gerber® Purée 2-Pack Tubs
Makes it $0.71 each
If you prefer to shop at Target, you can do this following deal. Thru 1/27 only, stockup on Gerber Baby Food 2-pack Tubs for only $0.82. The baby food is originally $1.09.
As a deal idea, buy six 4-ounce Gerber Baby Food Tubs 2-packs. Use the 5% off the 2-pack Gerber Baby Food Tubs Target Cartwheel digital coupon. Also use one $1 off six Gerber® Purée 2-Pack Tubs printable coupon.
Get an extra 5% off your order when you use your REDcard and get all six 2-pack baby food tubs for $4.95. That makes each 2-pack only $0.82. If you don’t have a REDcard, click here to sign up for a free one. It links to your checking account and works just like a debit card!
How the deal works:
Buy six Gerber Baby Food Tubs 4oz 2pk, $1.09 each ($6.54 total)
-use 5% off Gerber Baby Food Tubs 2pk Cartwheel (-$0.33)
-use $1/6 Gerber® Purée 2-Pack Tubs
-use REDcard 5% off (-$0.26)
Makes it $0.82 each ($0.41 per tub)