Check out this great deal on Axe Deodorant ($0.79) and Tresemme ($0.39 each) @ Meijer this week!

Axe Deodorant, $3.79 each
Tresemme, $3.89 each
Buy 5, save $5, making each $2.79-$2.89

Here’s how the deal works:
Buy 4 Tresemme, $3.89 each
-use 2 $5/2 RP 9/28
-$4 instant savings
=$0.39 each
Buy 1 Axe Deodorant, $3.79 each
-use 1 $2/1 RP 9/28
-$1 instant savings
=OOP $2.34 for all 5
