UPDATE: Well, I am extremely upset! I posted a free sample deal earlier, on this same post and quickly realized that the deal is a SCAM! You can click on the link below to see for yourself, however DO NOT fill out the form. You will NOT receive any wipes. “SANDY Wipes” does NOT even exist. It is not a legitimate or real product. I have never seen it in stores, and this form exists soley to STEAL your information! 

This is extremely upsetting. Who has time to create fake content, fake websites and lure people such as myself seeking deals and freebies? It’s terrible how people will go to extreme measures to do this. This post is to help shed light on this false sample website. Please do not submit your information to the web site. The website www.sandywipes.com is fake and the Free Sandy Wipes Sample is a scam.

The Free Sandy Wipes sample is confirmed as a fake scam on GimmeFreebies.com

Click here to request your sample pack of Extra Strength Sandy Wipes.
