An hour and a half at Target tonight and I made $45+ from buying these clearance boxes of L’Oreal Advanced Haircare Volume Filler Treatments!!

Here is the breakdown:

Buy 3 L’Oreal Advanced Treatment Volume Treatment, $2.98 each
-use $2/1 RP 1/25
=$2.94 oop, get a $5 GC
+$2.06 Money maker!!

The diapers were also free since I used some of the GCs to pay for my oop! Here’s how the deal works:
Buy 2 Pampers Swaddlers, size 2, $33.99 each (I pricematched
-use two $2/1
Buy 2 wipes, $1.97-$1.99 each
-use two buy diapers get wipes free p&g 1/25 auto deducts $3.99 each!!
=$59.98, receive $15 gc =$22.49 each after gc ($0.17/diaper) plus two free packs of wipes!!
