Gerber Graduates Lil’ Crunchies for $1.39 a can when you buy the 6-pack. My daughter loves these – the Garden Tomato ones, and at $1.39, this is stock up price!!

Here’s how to get the lowest possible price as of publishing this post:

  1. Buy 1 Gerber Graduates Lil’ Crunchies, Garden Tomato, 1.48-Ounce Canisters (Pack of 6), $11.16
  2. Clip the 20% off coupon
  3. Select Subscribe & Save 5%
    =$8.37 OOP or $1.37 per can

You can also purchase it for 20% off by selecting “One-time purchase,” making it $8.93 for a 6-pack instead of $8.37 (it’s better to subscribe and get it in a few weeks unless you need it right away).
