Check your local Target for this Oball Bounce-O-Bunch Activity Center, on clearance for $17.38! WOW! Use the DCPI # 030-10-1105 and search by zipcode to find it at your local Target before you run out to the store. Click HERE to learn how to use the DCPI number to find clearance items in stock. This item normally runs for $80 on Amazon and other stores, so if you find it, GRAB IT AND RUN!


With lights, sounds, music and those dynamic O Ball signature toys the obounce activity center will have your little one busy and bouncing. This unique bounce pad is textured and designed to allow baby to safely bounce and explore the rest of the activities offered. There is a 3-position height adjustment so this activity center can grow with baby, and the seat rotates a full 360 degrees so baby can reach every enticing toy station. There are 15 plus activities including 2 removable electronic toys and all have lights and sounds. Also, the high back seat provides extra support for baby’s comfort.

  • Exciting bounce pad with 3 height positions seat rotates 360 degree for easy access to all activities
  • Removable spinning O Ball station rewards baby with lights and rattle sounds
  • Removable light up piano station features volume control and 3 modes of play: melodies, sounds, and piano
  • Unique stacker and chaser combination is intriguing fun popper toy with spinning beads
  • Chaser with mini O Ball toys, textured beads, and spinning bird tactile and teethable characters are easy to grasp removable and easy to clean seat pad