
RUN TO Target!!! Quilted Northern is on clearance for as low as $4.98! Regularly priced $9.99. The 18 Double Rolls = 36 regular rolls is on clearance for up to 50% off! Plus, we have a high value $1.00 off any 1 Quilted Northern and bath tissue that you can use to lower your out of pocket. There’s also a 5% off Georgia Pacific Paper Products (including Quilted Northern) Target Cartwheel digital coupon. Use your REDcard to save an additional 5% off and pay $3.54 for a pack!
$1.00 off any 1 Quilted Northern and bath tissue
Before you head out, click here to learn how to find this item in stock at your Target using the DPCI number 253-06-0087

Here’s how the deal works:

Buy Quilted Northern Ultra Soft & Strong 18 Double Rolls = 36 Rolls, $4.98
-use 5% off Georgia Pacific Paper Products Target Cartwheel digital coupon (-$0.25)
-use $1.00 off any 1 Quilted Northern and bath tissue
-use REDcard 5% off (-$0.19)

That’s equal to $0.20 per roll! WOW! Let us know in the comments below if you score some!