
Check your local Target stores for this new clearance item! Take 30% off Honest boxed diapers, size 4 and 5. The Honest Diapers are retail $25.99 and are currently on clearance for $18.18. If you signed up for a Baby Registry, you should have received a 15% off coupon. You can use this to lower your out of pocket. Plus, use your REDcard to save an additional 5% off!

Click here to learn how to find this item in stores using the DPCI 007-06-0482

Buy one Honest Diapers, size 5 (50ct) or size 4 (60ct), $18.18
-use 15% off Baby Registry Coupon (click here to signup to receive one for future purchases) (-$2.73)
-use REDcard 5% off (-$0.77)
=$14.68 OOP