
Check your local Target store for clearance OFF! Products! There are several coupons that you’ll want to print to stack with these clearance items. We found several packs of Mosquito Lamp refill packs, the clip-on start kits and more! Be sure to use your REDcard  to save an additional 5% off!

OFF! Mosquito Lamp, originally $11.99, now only $3.58 DPCI # 084-18-0298
-use $3.00 off any ONE (1) OFF! Mosquito Lamp
-use REDcard  5% off (-$0.03)

$3.00 off any ONE (1) OFF! Mosquito Lamp

OFF! Clip-on Starter Kit, originally $9.59, now only $2.87 DPCI # 084-18-0300
-use $0.75 off any ONE OFF! Personal Insect Repellent
-OR use Buy OFF! Clip-On™ starter kit & get a refill free
-use REDcard  5% off (-$0.11)
=$2.01 or $2.37 +  free refill with coupon

Buy OFF! Clip-On™ starter kit & get a refill free

OFF! Familycare Insect Repellent IV, originally $4.39, now only $1.31 DPCI 084-18-0094
-use $0.75 off any ONE OFF! Personal Insect Repellent
-use REDcard  5% off (-$0.03)
$0.75 off any ONE OFF! Personal Insect Repellent