Run to Dollar General! The Cottonelle GentleCare 6 rolls are ringing up for only $2.02. Your store may or may not carry this item and it may not be on clearance. If you do head out, make sure to scan the item (ask the cashier to price check) before you purchase it! There are several other home and paper products on clearance! Be on the look out for summer, toys and more!

Good luck!

BONUS: Today only, score $2 off your $10 purchase when you signup for a free DG account. Click here to get the coupon.

Buy 5 packs of Cottonelle GentleCare 6 Double Rolls, $2.02 each (YMMV) ($8.08 total)
-use $2 off $10 Dollar General Purchase
=$6.08 or $1.22/pack!



Thanks @so_cal_couponer on IG for sharing the deal!