
I’m super excited to share this new exclusive offer with you! Get a highly personalized box for your growing baby or toddler for 50% off! This is the subscription box that I am most excited about now that I am a mom! I hope you will be do. Introducing: bluum, a new and innovative way to discover new brands and products, hand-picked by m.o.m. (managers of merchandising).


From the start of your pregnancy thru preschool, bluum sends four to five full-size products that are just perfect for your child based on his or her age, gender and developmental stage. Their innovative and proprietary system selects individualized products based on each child’s needs!

The bluum box grows with your child. At the time of publishing this article and when I requested my bluum boxes, my son was at the 9 month mark. I also have a toddler girl who just turned three. I was extremely surprised and impressed by the thoughtful box that arrived for each of them. It was as if bluum knew exactly what I (a busy working mom of two kids!) and my children (curious learners) needed right now.


We received two bright red boxes branded with the bluum design and logo filled with these items:

The 9 Month Box


  • Kneekers (my favorite!) – At 9 Months, your baby should already be a fast crawler, as mine is. He is super fast on his knees and sometimes I have to run to catch up to him! These “kneekers” were so adorable and perfect for him! I put these on him right away.

    The Kneekers alone retail for $15!
  • Teether Ball – My son’s favorite toy. He gravitated toward this bright orange ball right away (remember to wash it first!) and sure enough, it went straight into his mouth. The fun “spikes” were easy to grab a hold of and any one of them fit perfectly into his curious mouth!

    The Teether Ball retails for $7 on Amazon
    The Teether Ball retails for $7
  • Dr. Seuss Waterproof Superbib – This is a waterproof bib and is “jumbo” size so it’s great for big messes! Right now my son loves to pick up food with his fingers. That can get messy! The bib is great for this age.
  • Camilia Teething Relief – This is my life-saver! Every growing baby at some point will go thru the “teething phase” at some point, for my soon, teething came too soon and too hard on him. I would watch him cry helplessly some days when he was teething. Even a cold popsicle did not calm him down. I was extremely excited to try this teething relief! It comes with 15 single-use oral doses!

    Screen Shot 2015-10-13 at 3.11.44 AM
    A 30ct box will cost $10

The verdict: Love the 9 month box! We can’t wait for the next one when he turns 10 months! Each of these items alone cost over $7! The box of goodies is well worth it and will save you a lot of money in comparison to buying each of these products by itself! Right now you can get your first box for 50% off, that will save you even more on top of the bundled package pricing! Click here to customize your child’s bluum box. Save 50% off your first box with exclusive coupon code SCD50

The Happy 3rd Birthday Box 



  • Melissa & Doug 12-piece Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle – I have to admit, this is my daughter’s first “wooden” puzzle, so I was super excited that she received this item. She wanted to play with it right away
  • eeBoo Floating Fairy Fiddle – My daughter was unsure as to what this item was at first. It took less than 30 seconds for us to figure it out and put it together. She smiled with delight when I showed her how we could hang it just about anywhere! Super neat and encourages creativity and imagination! (Note: I was curious to see if there were other simple kits like this one and was surprised to find that this item was out of stock at many online stores, the retail price of this kit alone is $6.50-$8!)
  • Bumpkins Bags Snack Bag – This snack bag is Lead free, PVC free, BPA free, Phthalates free, and Vinyl free and retails for $4.95!
  • Kidz Banz Sunglasses – I do wish we had received this bag sooner, we went to the beach a lot this summer, without sunglasses! These are great because they have a band and are easier for kids to wear since they jump around so much, they will stay put with the band wraped around their head. The same pair retails for $14 on Amazon!

The verdict: My daughter was extremely excited to discover these new products. It kept her occupied for hours. Seeing her unbox the bluum box is priceless! Imagine your child opening presents on his or her birthday! They will absolutely love it and thank you for it.

Click here to customize your child’s bluum box today. Save 50% off your first box with exclusive coupon code SCD50

Quick tip for receiving the most personalized items: Login to track your child’s milestones in your bluum account to customize the products you’ll receive each month.

The bluum shop

There’s also a bluum shop, you can shop from a huge selection of toys, books, childcare products that are shipped free with your monthly subscription.

Why choose bluum?

With bluum, you can discover new brands for your growing baby! bluum is also a great, unique gift for expecting parents, new or first time parents.

For me personally, as a mom, I see my children growing so fast right before my eyes. They are only that little once! Let them grow, learn and explore. Enjoy them while they are still young, and spoil them with the most innovative, educational and imaginative tools. Give your child the chance to discover bluum, they will thank you for it. Click here to customize your child’s bluum box today. Save 50% off your first box with exclusive coupon code SCD50