
Target Shoppers: Snag an amazing deal on Eckrich Smoked Sausage. Not all Targets carry this brand so your mileage may vary (YMMV) depending on if your store carries it or not. Clip the high value 25% off Eckrich Smoked Sausage Target Cartwheel and stack it with the Buy One Get One FREE coupon from the Red Plum 4/17 inserts. If you don’t have this coupon, print these new $1 off coupons that just popped up!

$1.00 off any TWO (2) Eckrich Skinless Beef $1.00 off two packages of Eckrich Sausage

Here’s how the deal works:

Buy two Eckrich Smoked Sausage, Beef & Turkey, $2.59 each ($5.18 total)
-use 25% off Eckrich Cartwheel (-$1.30)
-use BOGO Free Eckrich, up to $2.50 RP 4/17 (-$2.50)
-or use $1.00 off any TWO (2) Eckrich Skinless Beef
-or use $1.00 off two packages of Eckrich Sausage
-use REDcard 5% off (-$0.07)
Makes it $0.66 each!