
Save $15 on your first purchase when you shop thru Google Express! First time customers can use the promo code 3UKJRF59L to get $15 off at checkout with no minimum purchase at Google Express! Take full advantage of the $15 and score free shipping! Google Express offers fast shipping on thousands of products made available from Costco, Target, Walgreens, Toys R Us, Whole Foods and more!

Here’s how to get this deal:

  1. Click here to go to Google Express
  2. Create a new account. Enter your payment info – you will not be charged
  3. Search for any item you need and add $15 worth to your cart
  4. Enter the promo code 3UKJRF59L (-$15)
    =FREE + FREE Shipping!

Tax is charged in most states. Orders under $15 vary from $3-$5 shipping. The promo code is valid for new customers only and where Google Express is available. Use of this promo code qualifies you for $15 off your first order and a 3-month trial membership.