
Want to try Proactive or snag a free kit for your teen? Here is an amazing deal you don’t want to miss! For a limited time, Swagbucks is offering 3,000 SB Points when you request your kit for $24.95. The 3,000 SB Points can be redeem for a $30 Gift Card or you can request a payout via PayPal, making it FREE plus a $5 money maker after points!

Here’s how the deal works:

  1. Click here to signup or login to Swagbucks
  2. Search for “Clear Skin” or click on this offer (if you don’t see it, scroll down to the section “Featured Ways To Earn”)
    Screen Shot 2016-07-22 at 10.25.28 AM
  3. You’ll be taken to the offer page.
  4. Select the “Proactive Solution” Best At-Home Acne System for $19.95
  5. Pay $19.95
    +Receive 3000 SB Points (worth $30)
    Makes it FREE  + $10.05 Money Maker!

You can also get the new solution for $24.95 and get back $30, making it free + a $5 money maker!