
Head to Target for an rare deal on Aquafresh Toothpaste! The Aquafresh Cavity Protection 5.6oz Fluoride Toothpaste is regular price $1.67. Buy one and use your REDcard to save 5% then submit your receipt to Checkout51 and get $1 cash back! If you don’t have a REDcard, simply click here to signup. It’s 100% free, links to your checking account, and works just like a debit card. You can buy 5 tubes and get a total of $5 back! Wow!

Here’s how the deal works:

Buy Aquafresh Cavity Protection 5.6oz Fluoride Toothpaste, $1.67
-use REDcard 5% off (-$0.08)
+Submit receipt for $1 cash back from Checkout51 (limit 5)
+Submit receipt for $0.10 cash back from MobiSave
Makes it $0.49 after cash back!