tide-simply-clean-fresh-148HURRY!!! Thru tomorrow 10/29 only, score 138oz Tide Simply Clean & Fresh Detergent for as low as $2.96 at Target. They’re currently on sale for $8.99 each. Plus when you buy two, you’ll receive a FREE $5 Target gift card. Keep reading for the deal breakdown.

$1.00 off one Tide

How the deal works:

Buy two Tide Simply Clean & Fresh Laundry Detergent 138oz+ $8.99 each ($17.98 total)
-use 25% off Tide Simply Clean & Fresh Cartwheel, expires 10/30 (-$4.50)
-use two $1.00 off one Tide Simply Clean
-use REDcard 5% off (-$0.57)
+Receive a $5 gift card wyb 2
Makes it $5.91 or $2.96 each

Repeat this deal in a second trip or transaction:

Buy two Tide Simply Clean & Fresh Laundry Detergent 138oz+ $8.99 each ($17.98 total)
-use 25% off Tide Simply Clean & Fresh Cartwheel, expires 10/30 (-$4.50)
-use two $1.00 off one Tide Simply Clean
-use REDcard 5% off (-$0.57)
-use $5 gift card from the first trip
+Receive a $5 gift card wyb 2
Makes it $0.91 or $0.46 each!

One Reply to “*HOT* 138oz Tide Simply & Clean Detergent $0.46 at Target!”

  1. it seems a little confusing because you are counting your first gift card twice as a savings, double dipping on the savings am i wrong about this

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