Now thru 5/26, you can get any Brisk 12-pack cans for $2.13 each at Target. The 12-pack Brisk cans is originally $4.99. All 12-pack pop products are currently on sale for $2.75.
As a deal idea, buy two 12-pack Brisk cans and use one $1/2 BRISK 12oz 12pks Or THREE (3) BRISK 2Ls printable coupon. Get an extra 5% off with your REDcard and pay $4.27 for both 12-packs. That makes it $2.13 per pack or like $0.17 per can. Sweet!
Use your REDcard at Target to score 5% off at checkout! If you don’t have a REDcard, click here to sign up for a free one. It links to your checking account and works just like a debit card!
How the deal works:
Buy two any Brisk Cans 12pk 4/$11 ($5.50 total)
-use $1/2 BRISK 12oz 12pks Or THREE (3) BRISK 2Ls printable coupon
-use REDcard 5% off (-$0.23)
Makes it $2.13 each ($0.17 per can)